simple, healthier diet

I would not consider myself a very healthy eater but I’ve really been working hard to lose some weight and just be more of a healthy person.

So I had a few really healthy months, working out 4+ days a week and I was just very conscious of what I was eating. I FELT GREAT! I fell off the healthy bandwagon when things got super busy with travel & the start of the school year —–butttt no excuses.

I’m back on the healthy train and here are a few things that really help me:

  1. Super simple menu, of foods I really like – stick to it!
    • I am a creature of habit when it comes to eating and cooking for my family. I make sure to always keep the kitchen stocked with the “my healthy staples” – then there is no worry about me just grabbing random stuff from the pantry when I’m hangry.
  2. Ease up on the weekends
    • (with food, but I still like to get a workout in) I usually have wine or beer on the weekends and sometimes we go out to eat. I just try to not overeat, order salads if we are out (which I love), and don’t do mindless eating or snacking.
  3. Never say “oh my diet starts on Monday”
    •  No, it starts at your next meal…or next snack! I’m such a procrastination and I use to always want a start date. Now- I try to just start right then and there!

So here is what I am eating. These are my STAPLES!


–> Special K Protein Cinnamon Brown Sugar Crunch – I use to eat a bagel and cream cheese every morning! And I’ll be honest, I never got sick of it! It was a lot of fluff—fluffy goodness— but it didn’t really keep my full for long. This cereal is super tasty! I eat one bowl in the morning with skim milk and it keeps me full for quite some time! It is also a really yummy snack, I’ll put a handful in a zip-lock and take it on-the-go!

–> Stok Coffee – This coffee drink is EVERYTHING! It is so delicious and is packed with protein! It’s is great for the warmer weather because you drink it cold. So much protein but it does have a lot of sugar…you win some, you lose some. I put it in a tumbler in the morning and drink it throughout the day #momlife – so usually just one cup a day. I will say, it can be a great “pick me up” mid-day, on days you need it!


–> Turkey Wrap – My family LOVES deli turkey! My boys both eat turkey, my husband eats a turkey sandwich (or leftovers) at work each day, and I am down for a turkey sandwich everyday. It was a lot of bread for me to be eating, so my mom got me hooked on these wrap! Sooooo good! They taste great and you can use them for so much more than just turkey sandwiches! Im pretty basic so my turkey wrap just consists of mayo (we like the Smart Balance), cucumbers, and deli turkey. These wraps are great for any time you need a little carb in your life – the other day we had chicken and veggies on the grill, for the leftovers I wrapped the chicken and veggies up with a little mayo and ate it as a wrap (it was delish!)

–> Veggie Chips! A nice crunch to go with the wrap!


Dinners really vary – it can be hard because I want to make yummy stuff for my husband and meals that I know my kids like, too. I try to focus on portion control and making lots of vegetables!


These are just the snacks that I am actually eating today. I like to have small snacks of things I actually have a taste for. The Movie Theater Butter Smartfood popcorn is the BEST – for a mid-day snack and nighttime!

Other snacks I like to eat if I get hungry are:

cooked carrots with butter, apples/peanut butter, fruit, egg bake (Benson likes this), hard boiled eggs (Bode likes these)—(we need chickens!), oatmeal (especially great for improving my milk-supply)

Only YOU know what is going to help/hinder your healthy diet! I wanted to share the foods & tips that have helped me stay on track!

Thanks for reading!

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